The Angel of Death: A Poem on Orlando

To the millions of Muslims, who grieve with Orlando. To millions of Muslims who pay the price of Omar Matheen’s crime. To the millions who think Islam made him do it. This message is for you.


The minute he walked in, the stranger, 
I realized he ain’t no messenger. 

He cried his name out loud, 
Said he was a believer in God.

He told us about our crime, 
One that dated back in time.

He said his faith didn’t approve, 
Of our choices and our moves.

As he began to open fire, 
I thought about the religion I admire.

It said don’t take an innocent life;
To save humanity, labour and strive.

Allah said to all mankind, 
Mercy, you must bear in my mind.

I know, that when to sin I dare, 
It wouldn’t be Matheen’s cross to bear.

A single plea of mercy I would make, 
And my Lord, all my sins he’d forsake.

I was His to judge, my sin against His law. 
To No man He gave the right,

To riddle me with bullets, raw. 
He was maniac, I saw it in his eyes
His madness so evident amidst the dying sighs.

As I was bleeding, maybe my last
In a month where the righteous fast.

I prayed to God Almighty, 
May the man be judged for his madness,
And not blame his religion for his sadness.

May all know that he wasn’t religious, 
For then he would have had a conscience.

He would know he too would stand, 
Before the Lord who created this land.

To those who thought killing was a solution, 
To protect God’s ordained peaceful religion,

To them God will simply say, 
“They were mine to love or punish,
Christian or Jewish.

“But for your sin you will pay, 
In hell shall be your stay.”

I said ‘Amen’ and breathed my last, 
While Muslims broke their fast.

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