During his Night Journey and Ascension, the Prophet witnessed Luhay b. `Amr dragging his entrails in Hellfire. He was the first man to introduce idol-worship in Makkah. He had traveled to Syria (then under the Romans), saw some idols (first in the temples and then in the market),
June 2009
The Qur’an
Verses from Surah al-Nahl (114-128)
[114] So eat of what Allah has provided you, lawful and good,177 and give thanks for Allah’s favors, if it is Him that… more »
The Hadith
Sincerity in Action and Single-Minded Devotion
The moral guidance furnished to mankind by the sacred Prophet attains fulfillment in the teaching of Ikhlas (Sincerity in Action) and Lillaahiyat (Single-minded… more »
Birds: Flawless Flying Machines
The theory of evolution, which claims that birds are descendants of reptiles, is not able to explain the colossal differences between these