Verses from Surah Tawbah [67 – 71]
The Prophet Described (Part-2)
A Random Study of Four Scriptural Texts
In what follows, we present in series a random study of four Scriptures: Rg. Veda, A Buddhist’s Bible, The Judaeo-Christian Bible and the Qur’an. The plan is to ultimately present the study in a book of volume about 200 pages.
Letters to the Editor
On Usury-based life, haraam manufacturers, coke, Insurance, Yellow 5 and many more…
The Doctrine of Universal Acceptance
The central principle and fundamental doctrine of the Western life and philosophy is hedonism: maximum pleasure for the largest number of people for the greatest length of time.
Verses from Surah al-Tawbah (61 to 66)
The Prophet Described (Part-1)
Who is not on Trial?
Events of our contemporary world disturb a lot of minds, old and young. They cannot sort out the events and find difficulty inter-relating them. What is happening and why?
Verses from Surah al-Tawbah [60]
The Prophet Described
Letters to the Editor
On grandma’s games, marriage to a non-muslim, intellectual poverty and many more…
Welcome to Void
One of the major problems that modern materialistic civilization faces is that of diminishing resources. How and from where to get more for the ever hungry world? Will the civilization die off for want of resources? Can we (the West) maintain our position if the earth’s belly is emptied?