Jewish Influence on Islamic Beliefs
Jewish Influence on Islamic Beliefs
By Syed Iqbal Zaheer
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Remembering the Messenger of God!

The life of Prophet Muhammad, on whom be peace, has been the subject matter of countless accounts and narratives ranging from the skeptical, by his opponents, to the hagiographical, by his innumerable followers throughout history. writes SYED IQBAL ZAHEER.

These Flying Machines

Impressed by the aerial locomotion of birds, man has been, since known times, trying to fly. He tried artificial wings, with feathers from the birds. But the intricate force-and-motion patterns associated with flight and feathers are far too complex for imitation. writes SYED IQBAL ZAHEER.

Civilization in Crisis

A civilisation based on materials cannot outlast human aspirations, greed and adventurism. It will collapse when the materials stocks are emptied, writes SYED IQBAL ZAHEER.

The Hadith

Ahadith on Aspects of Reposing Trust in Allah (swt)

Selected Traditions on the Nature and Position of Leadership

The Last in Paradise


The Power of Tawakkul

A Teenager’s Journey to Faith

From Racism to Islam

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